All our projects deliver significant environmental and socio-economic benefits to the regions in which we operate, from providing electricity connections and hiring local workers to increasing power generation in the country and reducing CO2 emissions. 


Our off-grid projects directly electrify people, which leads to increased productivity, literacy rates and economic prosperity. Captive projects allow utility companies to distribute power that would have been used by an industrial user to individual consumers and concentrate on their electrification programmes. Grid connected projects in remote areas improve grid stability and give utilities the opportunity to electrify remote areas. 

FINANcial contributions to local communities

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility and in return for use of the land, we distribute part of the project revenues to local communities, through properly established Development Trusts. The funds can be spent on necessary community projects such as schools, clinics, agricultural projects or electrification programmes. In some cases, this equates to millions of dollars going back to the community over the lifetime of the project. 

JOB creation

We give precedent to local people during both construction and operations of our plants. We also offer skills training in order to increase the amount of local people in employment during the project. We have relationships with a number of NGOs who can help local people establish small businesses to provide ancillary services (eg selling food) to the project.  


Often African grid networks and businesses rely on carbon intensive power generation which leads to pollution and global warming. Our projects help transition African countries to a low carbon future where all can rely on consuming safe and affordable clean energy.